Jennifer’s Obituary

Jennifer Cadriel Fuentes unexpectedly passed away October 24th, 36 years young. Her family and friends mourn heavily beautiful and kind Jenny who leaves behind her beloved 3 children, Jaida, Ryan and Aurelius. She is preceded in death by her brother Michael David Ramos, and leaves surviving parents: mother Linda F. Ramos & step-father David Ramos, father Richard Cadriel & Sylvia. She also leaves grandparents: Deacon Alejandro Flores & Josefina Flores (deceased) and Henrietta Ramos & Victor Ramos (deceased), Ignacio Cadriel (deceased) & Cecilia Cadriel. She leaves numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and extended family that she loved so very much.

Born December 10, 1985, She was a bright spirit, constantly spreading her huge smile and helpful ways to those close to her. When hospital staff asked if Jennifer wanted to be an organ donor, the family responded with a yes because in her years, she helped numerous friends, strangers, homeless and was such a social person, that she would naturally be open to giving the gift of life to others if possible.

Her life is a testament to spreading love and compassion, even while having her own heart mending from difficulties life presented to her. May her soul rest in peace, in the heavenly arms of Christ Our Lord, whom she loved and believed in the promises of faith.

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31 thoughts on “Jennifer’s Obituary

  1. Sepulveda

    Our deepest condolences Linda and David and to your grandchildren. There are no words to express how sorry we are to hear of your daughter Jenny’s passing. Sending prayers for your strength as you all find a way through each day. May she Rest In Peace in the Lord’s caring arms.
    Richard and Nena Sepulveda and Sons

  2. Keinna

    From the moment we met, thanks to Amanda. there was something about us as you would say ” we just clicked”!! Now I see that was just who you were, a beautiful and vibrant soul who touched the lives of so many!! You thanked me the other day for my friendship. little did I know less than a week later that would be just a memory for me. I am beyond grateful to have been lucky enough to experience your presence as so many have experienced. I’m grateful I have pictures, messages, and voicemail just to hear your voice to cherish and remember you by. I’m grateful to say that I experienced having you as a friend, one whom we shared so much in such a short time. I send prayers and thoughts to your family and other friends, but most of all to your 3 beautiful children who I had the pleasure of meeting and hearing about almost on a daily basis I cannot imagine what they are going through but I do know that you will watch over them. You had a very strong spirit in life so I know without a doubt because of your heart, words, and ways that you will be the perfect angel in the afterlife!! As we often said to each other, I love you girl!!! I am going to miss you without a doubt!!💕💕💕 Fly High My Girl

  3. David Ramos

    Your Mom and I miss you so much. But we have no doubt you are in Heaven dancing with your brother Mikey. You gave us 3 beautiful grandchildren and we will always cherish them. I have so many memories that make me smile even though I have shed so many tears. I certainly hope that I will see you in Heaven some day. I have no doubt you will be watching over your children while they continue to experience life here on Earth. With all of My Love – Dave

  4. Diana

    Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences Linda and David, your grandchildren and all family Praying that God’s love and comfort be with each of you in the days ahead.🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
    Love John and Diana Redington

    1. Julianna simon

      As soon as I met her she was instantly so kinda and welcoming . I give my deepest thoughts to her whole family and I’m so sorry for everyone’s loss because she was so important to so many people.

  5. Beth Weaver

    Linda and David,
    I am truly at a loss for words to express how unbelievably sorry I am to hear of Jennifer’s passing. I pray that knowing she is in the arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, you can find some comfort. Gregg and I will keep you all in our prayers.

  6. Dena Castaneda

    My condolences to my dear cousin Richard, Linda, Jenny’s 3 beautiful children and the rest of the Cadriel family. As the mother of a child gone too soon I know what you are feeling. I hope the memories and the love of Jenny’s children help get you through this trying time. My heart truly hurts for you all.

  7. Jackie Muñoz

    It’s hard to accept that heaven has received the most perfect angel. My heart will forever have an empty space with this loss. My deepest condolences go out to Linda, Richard, David, Jaida, Ryan and Aurelius and the numerous friends and family who are impacted by Jennifer’s loss. Although no words can ease the pain we all feel, I will continue to pray for peace and comfort that surpass all understanding. I’m blessed to have shared some of the best times of my life with Jenny and the memories will never leave me. I’m so proud of her for everything she accomplished in her short time, for the love she showed her children, and for being a hero even in her last hour in this world.

    Rest In Peace, my beautiful best friend. I will see you in heaven. 🤍

  8. Aaron Escobedo

    I am so sorry for your loss And im very sad to hear this. I am keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Rest in Peace Jennifer ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Ariane Flora

    My deepest condolences to you all. Jenny was always so sweet and vibrant. I send all of my love & support. You’re always in my prayers.
    Love, Ariane

  10. Stacy

    You have no idea how much I miss you. I saw you every day, we talked non stop everyday, and we had PLANS!!You were going through a lot, but u ALWAYS held it together. You are such a strong Mother, and the best friend anyone can ask for. I mostly want to say how sorry I am to the kids. I can’t even imagine my child having to go through this. Jaida, stay strong, stay in school. Your mom would have wanted u to. You are so beautiful and smart, and you got this, honey. To the boys, i am so sorry for your loss. Your mom loved y’all soooo very much. She was happiest when all you kids were around her. Ryan, I’m so happy I gave you that picture of your mom that last day. My prayers go out to all of you.

  11. Jim Brooks

    I am so sorry for your loss. It has been a long time since I saw her. I know she has a loving family. Again my condolences.

  12. Ruben and Karina Silva

    Words cannot express the void and feeling of never being able to see her with her huge smile, contagious laugh, and outgoing and exuberant personality. Will miss her bear-like hugs and quips. Our sincerest and heartfelt condolences to all of you…Linda, David, all three of you beautiful children, Jaida, Ryan and Aurelius, you made her a very proud mother and she loved you all fiercely. God, please embrace her with open arms, a beautiful person is entering your kingdom.

  13. Victor Mazac

    Such a beautiful person and well be greatly missed by me and my family. I was blessed to have spent time with her and the kids, memories I’ll keep forever. Such a sad sad loss.

  14. Nadine

    So beautiful. Jennifer was loved by so many and will be dearly missed.
    Linda, David, and Richard your guidance and love made her into the beautiful person she was inside and out.
    Jaida, Ryan and Aurelius – your mama loved you with every piece of her and she will always watch over you.
    Words cannot express my sympathy for your loss. I love you all. Heaven has gained an angel. ❤️💚

  15. Art & Elva Armendariz

    Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences Linda, to you, David, your grandchildren and all family members. Praying that God’s love and comfort be with each of you in the days ahead.🙏🏻🙏🏻

  16. Katherine De Rudder

    We were deeply saddened to here about our cousin Jenny. We are sending our love, hugs and prayers at this most difficult time. We don’t always understand the why’s but we have to trust in God to help us move forward. Peace be with all the families and especially Jaida, Ryan and Arelious.
    David and Linda please know that our family has you all in our prayers.
    With our deepest sympathy.
    Katherine De Rudder, Rose Anguiano and family.

  17. Sylvia and Ed Moreno

    Ed and I give our heartfelt condolences to our Compadres and kids. May our Lord give you comfort during the days ahead. In the name of Jesus. Amen

  18. Raymond Ramos

    My Heart goes out to Linda David Jaida Lynn Ryan Arelious and the Family. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.It has been such a Joy in My Life to Know Jennifer. She Was always a Light in the World and Still Is. I Miss My Jenny And Will Always be Thinking of You All The Time. Love Always Uncle Ray Sophia and Family. 💕 💕 🌹 🌈 🦋

  19. Josie Cushing

    It’s heartbreaking to know I won’t see that beautiful smile again. She brought a ridiculous amount of fun to our family. She was the only one who would call me Jos. I can’t understand why but I have to trust she’s with God now. We got your babies Jenny. ❤️

  20. Deleon

    Our deepest condolences to you Dave & Linda. We’re still processing and accepting, but we are here for you. Lots of love,
    Robert and Yvonne

    1. Deleon

      Praying for you and the kids, Uncle David and Tia Linda. Jenny was and is a beautiful soul. My condolences.

    2. Ada Juarez

      My deepest condolences to all that loved Jennifer. Keeping your family in my prayers. Rest in Peace Jennifer

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