Jennifer’s Obituary

Jennifer Cadriel Fuentes unexpectedly passed away October 24th, 36 years young. Her family and friends mourn heavily beautiful and kind Jenny who leaves behind her beloved 3 children, Jaida, Ryan and Aurelius. She is preceded in death by her brother Michael David Ramos, and leaves surviving parents: mother Linda F. Ramos & step-father David Ramos, father Richard Cadriel & Sylvia. She also leaves grandparents: Deacon Alejandro Flores & Josefina Flores (deceased) and Henrietta Ramos & Victor Ramos (deceased), Ignacio Cadriel (deceased) & Cecilia Cadriel. She leaves numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and extended family that she loved so very much.

Born December 10, 1985, She was a bright spirit, constantly spreading her huge smile and helpful ways to those close to her. When hospital staff asked if Jennifer wanted to be an organ donor, the family responded with a yes because in her years, she helped numerous friends, strangers, homeless and was such a social person, that she would naturally be open to giving the gift of life to others if possible.

Her life is a testament to spreading love and compassion, even while having her own heart mending from difficulties life presented to her. May her soul rest in peace, in the heavenly arms of Christ Our Lord, whom she loved and believed in the promises of faith.

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31 thoughts on “Jennifer’s Obituary

  1. Rod, Lynn and Jessica Kimbrough

    Our hearts are breaking for all of you. We have so many memories of Jenny, in our backyard on the play set, family gatherings, Jaida’s birth. The list goes on. Linda, Dave, Jaida, Ryan and Aurelius- cherish your memories of Jenny and the amazing woman she had become. We are continuing our prayers for all of you and all other family members and friends. With God’s help you will survive this pain just as you had to survive the pain of losing Mikey. We love you all and will see you soon. May God’s blessings fall abundantly on you during this difficult time. Love Rod, Lynn, and Jessica

  2. Ashley Gilbreath

    Words fall short of expressing my sorrow for the loss. May our memories of Jennifer bring comfort. I’m praying and am here for yall in any way I can be during this difficult time. My love goes out to you. I may not be able to take the pain away but I hope to make this place feel more like home as we lead each other there.

  3. April Harvey

    I met Jenn when we were 12 yrs old and the Lord was so gracious to bring her back to my life this last year. She was so kind to join me and other women in Christ, in daily studies in the Bible. I know Jenn would want everyone to Know Jesus Christ and this untimely passing is evidence that we aren’t promised tomorrow. I know Jennifer would us to use this moment to come to Christ. Receive Him w your whole heart. I’m going to miss you sister. If anyone needs more information about Jesus please reach out to me. God bless her beautiful children. From ashes to beauty.

  4. Amanda Osuch

    It Took me a minute to even look at your obituary because a part of me didn’t want to believe this was true. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I miss you so much already and I can tell you that I will be there for your kids as much as I can. I’ll be That cool auntie that gives them too much candy! JK! We’ve grown-up together, experienced so much life together, I had so much fun! We learned so much together, enjoyed each other‘s company, especially the nights when we would get in trouble for laughing too loud all night as kids or giving each other facials and painting each other‘s nails!!( as kids and adults lol.) You were that one friend I could count on that would always be there for me no matter what, no judgment,only love! you’re a real one. I feel like we are true soul sisters. No words will ever describe how much I miss you because Monday a part of my heart went with you. I love you Jen Jen! Give my mom a hug for me! I’ll miss you Jen! But never for you!!!

  5. Yolanda Moreno

    My deepest condolences may our Lord Jesus Christ give you all strength and healing in your hearts .. Will continue praying for each one of you .


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